
  • 鼠疫 La peste


    导演:路易斯·普恩佐   编剧:阿尔贝·加缪, 路易斯·普恩佐, Eric Altmeyer, Norman Di Giovanni, Susan Ashe, 罗伯特·卡茨

    主演:索瑞拉, Juana Hidalgo, 威廉·赫特, 桑德里娜·博内尔, 让-马克·巴尔, 罗伯特·杜瓦尔, 劳尔·胡里亚, Jorge Luz, 维多利亚·田纳特, Atilio Veronelli, Francisco

      In the 1990s, a South American city is rocked by the imminent outbreak of a plague. While many attempt to flee the city, Dr Bernard Rieux sends his sick wife away and does his best to care for the plague's victims. The plague means different things to different people: to the doctor, it's a disease to be cured. To a pair of French journalists, it's a breaking news story. To rel...

  • 族谱情缘 The Family Tree


    导演:Jorge Ameer   编剧:Jorge Ameer

    主演:Freddy D'Elia, Jacobo Silvera, Alvaro Santana, Astrid Carolina Adames Munoz, Jeff Allen, Love Alvarez, Francisco

      This holiday season will prove unforgettable as Victor's latest creation comes to life to disrupt and enlighten him on the true meaning of love, friendship and family.

  • 轮番上阵 Salitan


    导演:Bobby Bonifacio Jr.   编剧:Juvy Galamiton

    主演:Angelica Hart, Vern Kaye, Matthew Francisco, 尼科·洛柯

      A wife suspects her husband of infidelity during a trip to Bali. She meets an attractive stranger who stirs unfaithful feelings within her. She contemplates encouraging her husband's unfaithfulness to reduce her guilt.

  • 旅行 El Viaje


    导演:费尔南多·索拉纳斯   编剧:费尔南多·索拉纳斯

    主演:莉迪亚·纳瓦罗, 若瑟·胡本斯·查查, 克里斯蒂娜·巴尼加斯, Liliana Flores, Juana Hidalgo, Justo Martínez, Kiko Mendive, Francisco

      十七岁的马丁(Walter Quiroz 饰)在家乡火地岛上日日过着乏味的生活,他对陈腐破败的学校毫无兴趣,和继父的关系又紧张,唯一给他希望的,是亲生父亲创作给他的连环画,画中记录着拉美大陆种种神奇的景象。马丁的女友意外怀孕,但迫于家长压力要打掉孩子并与马丁分手,愤怒的马丁丧失了留在家乡的最后理由,他收拾行装,踏上拉美大陆,开始了北上寻找生父游历美洲的旅程。马丁见识了洪水中的布宜诺斯艾利斯,经过了蛮荒的安第斯山脉……一路上,一个未知是幻觉还是真实的红衣姑娘多次现身,令马丁的神奇之旅愈发空灵。马丁沿路搜集生父的消息,同时也越来越深入到拉丁美洲大陆的幻想与现实中去。

  • 俄狄浦斯市长 Edipo Alcalde


    导演:Jorge Alí Triana   编剧:加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯, Stella Malagon

    主演:Yocasta, Francisco Rabal ... Tiresias, .......


  • 爱的时光 Le temps d'aimer

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:卡黛儿·基耶维蕾   编剧:卡黛儿·基耶维蕾, 吉尔·托兰

    主演:·拉科斯特, Christian Starr Lassen, Thibault Maunoury, Parker Henry, Leo Marty, Maxime De Toledo, Romain Francisco

      1947. On a beach in Normandy, Madeleine, a waitress and young mother, meets François, a wealthy, and cultivated student. They hit it off immediately, as though it were fate. But as their destinies intertwine, it’s obvious what Madeline wants to leave behind, while the world that Francois is running from is only slowly revealed.

  • 暧昧陶魂 HALIPAROT


    导演:Bobby Bonifacio Jr.   编剧:Bobby Bonifacio Jr.

    主演:Aiko Garcia, 毛伊.泰勒, Matthew Francisco


  • 远北空寂寥寥 El norte sobre el vacío


    导演:亚历杭德拉·马尔克斯·阿贝拉   编剧:亚历杭德拉·马尔克斯·阿贝拉, Gabriel Nuncio

    主演:梅拉·埃莫西约, 德洛丽丝·赫雷迪亚, 劳尔·布里奥内斯, Francisco Barreiro, 丹尼尔·加西亚, Gerardo Trejoluna, Paloma Petra, Yahir Alday

      When Rosa is expected to hand her boss the suntan lotion on a deer hunt, this feels like a sign. Don Reynaldo’s ranch is about to celebrate its farm anniversary, but this passionate hunter’s image is built on a lie. And so, here in the countryside, where men are men, employees are grateful subjects and women diligently and docilely hold it all together, cracks begin to appear i...

  • 若即若离 第一季 So Far, So Close Season 1

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Michael Varrati, Brandon Kirby   编剧:B.J. Colangelo, Brandon Kirby, Michael Varrati

    主演:Colangelo, Randy Frank, Francisco Chacin, Elissa Wagner, 查尔斯·丘达巴拉

      An intersecting anthology series all about love, loss, lust...and making a connection.

  • 性的张力短片集 Tensión sexual, Volumen 1: Volátil


    导演:马可·伯格, 马塞洛·布里恩·斯塔姆   编剧:马可·伯格, 马塞洛·布里恩·斯塔姆

    主演:Francisco Ortiz, Eva Benito, Jorge Carossia, Fede Guascs, Lucas Lagré, 马里奥·贝隆, 哈维尔·德彼得罗, Lautaro Machaca

      阿根廷青年导演马科·伯格(Marco Berger)与另外一位导演马塞洛·摩纳哥(Marcelo Mónaco)合作完成了《性的张力》短片集。合辑共6个故事,包括一个男子在纹身师加工自己的过程中感到满足、一对年轻人在热天午后的隐秘挑逗、直男死党示范如何跟妞做爱时的意外心动、健身哥们的裸照情结......等各种超乎想象的暧昧身体接触。马科·伯格曾经凭《缺席》获得过柏林电影节同志类最高荣誉泰迪熊奖。